Saturday, November 15, 2014

Farro Risotto with Shiitake Mushrooms

I was first introduced to farro by Christina Pirello, at one of her cooking classes. I fell in love with it while vacationing in Italy this summer. It's similar to barley, but has a sweeter flavor and a chewier texture. Farro has more protein than quinoa, it's an excellent source of fiber, and can be used in soups, stews and salads.

It comes pearled, semi pearled or whole. Pearled cooks the fastest, but you lose some of the nutrition. If you can find it, whole farro is your best option, but I also have semi pearled in my pantry in case I'm in a rush. With whole farro, you can soak it prior to cooking to help speed up the cooking time.

This recipe used whole farro. Your cooking time will be shorter if you're using pearled and you won't have to soak it.


Farro Risotto with Shiitake Mushrooms

1 C uncooked whole farro (soaked in water for at least an hour)
1/2 lg onion, finely diced
2 cloves of garlic, finely diced
3-4 TBS extra virgin olive oil
Generous pinch of sea salt
8-10 shiitake mushrooms, sliced and stems removed
1/4 C white wine
3+ C of hot vegetable broth (the amount depends on the type of farro you use....have extra just in case)

In a large sauté pan, combine oil, onions and garlic. Sprinkle with salt and sauté over low heat 3-4 minutes. Add sliced mushrooms and the drained farro. Sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add the wine and stir until absorbed.

Gradually add the hot broth, one half cup at a time, until the broth is absorbed and the farro is al dente. Again, you may need less or more broth, depending on the farro.

This recipe serves 3-4 people and can be halved for 1-2 servings.

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