Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Red Lentil Soup with Cauliflower

I don't think cauliflower gets enough credit for all the health benefits it provides. It's high in vitamins C and K, which means it's an excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food. It's also high in fiber. so it's good for your heart and digestive tract. This easy to make soup would be great with some garlic naan!

Red Lentil Soup with Cauliflower

1 C dry red lentils
1/2 onion, diced
3 lg carrots, quartered and diced
3 stalks of celery, halved and diced
2 cloves of garlic, finely diced
2 TBS extra virgin olive oil
1 6oz can of tomato paste
2 TBS red curry paste
1 TBS curry powder
1 small head of cauliflower, core removed and florets crumbled
1/4 C chopped cilantro
sea salt
6 C water

Add oil to a large soup pot. Add carrots, celery, onion and garlic. Season with salt and saute over medium heat for ten minutes. Add the lentils, water, curry and tomato paste. Bring soup to a gentle boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the cauliflower and simmer for an additional 15 minutes or until the cauliflower is tender. Garnish with Cilantro and serve.

NOTES: If you'd like this soup to be vegan/vegetarian, check that the curry paste is not made with fish. The red lentils do not hold their shape like other varieties. They give this thick soup a wonderful texture. Adjust the curry to suit your taste! Serves 6. 

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